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Broad selection of sheet, rotary, and stone abrasives; vibratory finishing supplies; polishing machines, dust collectors, and buffing wheels; as well as plating supplies and ultrasonic cleaners.
Contenti stocks a comprehensive selection of abrasives from sandpaper and emery cloth to bench sharpening stones and miniature rotary abrasives for a wide range of uses.
Arbors and chucks for securing buffs and other rotary abrasives to polishing motors. Miniature mandrels for using miniature rotary abrasives with flexshaft handpieces.
For removing oils and other surface contaminants from jewelry, steam and ultrasonic cleaners work quickly with very little effort. Contenti stocks several models along with detergent concentrates.
Brass and steel wire hand brushes for satin finishing, disposable acid brushes for flux and other applications, fine sable brushes, and bristle brushes for bench cleanup.
Traditional patina solutions such as liver of sulphur, metal oxidizers, and other colorizing coatings for metals as well as gilders paste and Renaissance wax polish.
Digital electro-plating rectifiers for rhodium and precious metal plating, electroplating solutions, as well as mixing tools and personal protective equipment.
Whether polishing silver or gold to a high shine, putting a satin finish on brass or copper, or removing tarnish or scratches from other materials, there's a buffing compound for the job.
Contenti carries untreated finishing cloths from Selvyt, SoftSthine, and GemBright as well as cloths treated with rouge and tarnish protecting agents. We also carry flexible foam polishing pads.
Electric motors for buffing or polishing metal and plastic parts as well as stand-alone and table-top polishing units with integrated dust collection systems.
We stock a variety of vibratory finishing machines for efficiently deburring and polishing small parts as well as magnetic burnishing tumblers, abrasive tumbling media and soaps.
Steel and brass wire wheels and nylon bristle wheels for finishing and polishing metal surfaces. Large wheels for buffing motors and miniature wheels for flexshafts.
Starting at $1.13
Starting at $0.66
Starting at $1.95
Starting at $1.25
Starting at $8.20
Starting at $1.48
Starting at $27.64
Starting at $1.49
Starting at $1.55
Starting at $14.35
Starting at $10.88
Starting at $12.50
Starting at $13.47
Starting at $3.32
Starting at $15.50
Starting at $13.40
Starting at $94.26
Starting at $27.03
Starting at $49.02
Starting at $3.30
Starting at $1.23
Starting at $13.50
Starting at $4.30
Starting at $25.62
Starting at $13.25
Starting at $4.86
Starting at $11.35
Starting at $8.47
Starting at $9.38
Starting at $8.25
Starting at $42.25
Starting at $10.79
Starting at $17.93
Starting at $15.85
Starting at $40.00
Starting at $59.75
Starting at $45.30
Starting at $27.30
Starting at $2.79
Starting at $461.00
Starting at $1,546.00
Starting at $7.77
Starting at $7.77
Starting at $7.77
Starting at $25.35
Starting at $42.90
Starting at $12.35
Starting at $11.66
Starting at $17.22
Starting at $28.90
Starting at $11.35
Starting at $53.23
Starting at $7.23
Starting at $12.95
Starting at $49.90
Starting at $55.00
Starting at $19.85
Starting at $1.60
Starting at $1.90
Starting at $1.60
Starting at $23.78
Starting at $12.95
Starting at $22.81
Starting at $48.38
Starting at $16.00
Starting at $39.61
Starting at $2.95
Starting at $11.80
Starting at $5.12
Starting at $13.12
Starting at $0.30
Starting at $9.99
Starting at $11.94
Starting at $1.45
Starting at $0.82
Starting at $0.79
Starting at $2.75
Starting at $2.94
Starting at $2.95
Starting at $2.01
Starting at $3.66
Starting at $39.90
Starting at $10.92
Starting at $44.90
Starting at $1.37
Starting at $0.35
Starting at $0.25
Starting at $1.79
Starting at $0.35
Starting at $0.51
Starting at $0.56